Digi-cards best option for polls and surveys
Fortune 500 companies rely on surveys for survival, companies that provide those cost hundreds of thousands of dollars for the data they collect for their clients and that is a fact. Another fact is that Digi-cards download cards can bring those costs down to pennies. Digi-cards download cards have been slowly moving into the survey and poll markets providing very valuable information and data to its clients by using the patent pending system it developed years ago for multimedia content delivery via cards. Step 1 of the system is the landing and code verifier page, Step 2 is the individual user registration page which allows the collection of optional or required information and Step 3 is the download content gateway. Step 2 is the magical step for most companies since it allows it to list up to 100 questions before the client gets to the desired download gateway. Easy formula; you get something for giving something (content) and that something is valuable data. Honestly how many people pick up a card on your airline seat, fill it out and postage mail it? Airlines get less than 0.2 % of the desired results. Here comes Digi-cards to the rescue, contact your representative http://digi-cards.com/en/forms/contact/ for more knowledge on how you can get more data for your money and at the same time marketing your brand, how many people do you see throwing away Credit Cards?.